During our conversations about Climbing Fish (the start up I am working on with John Lynch) – a friend used the phrase “mild rage”. Somehow it’s stuck – and become a term we use when we describe how people feel when they are not using their genius.
We’re currently using it prominently on our holding page for Climbing Fish. We even have a definition:-
mild rage (noun)
(I) When you’re not living faithfully to your Genius, you find yourself feeling incomplete. (II) You may have found that it’s easier to fill the roles your family and friends expect of you, rather than becoming who you really want to be. (III) Living this way drains you of the energy you need to pursue the things you truly value, what remains is mild rage.
It’s been a contentious phrase – some on our mini-board feel it has a negative sentiment that should not be used in our marketing. However, John and I have stuck with it. In fact, we’ve been floating it around a little more (especially during our time in New York) and we’ve had some really positive feedback.
so many people struggle in what you call “mild rage”. I totally understand that!
Tonight is John’s last night in New York – so we went and had a few beers and supper. We then stumbled upon the National Comedy Theater. It’s described as New York’s home for improv comedy. It certainly was that – lots of improv in the style of “Whose Line is it Anyway”. Lots of audience participation – and I couldn’t resist when the crowd was asked for an emotion to be acted out on stage shouting out “Mild Rage”.
It got a laugh from the audience and cast – and was used a few more times during the evening. So – “Mild Rage” made its world premiere on the stage in New York (off Broadway). Thanks to the Cast of the National Comedy Theater – especially the “Staten Island Faires” team who enacted it so well. I have to say, it was a bit of a hit… so will continue to be in the Climbing Fish “script” for a while longer…